Frequently asked questions
Is Medical Cannabis legal in Texas?
Yes! Medical marijuana is legal if you qualify for the medical conditions specified by the State of Texas. All qualifying conditions are located on our home page!
Do I have to reside in Texas to be eligible for the program?
Yes! To qualify you will need a government-approved ID that proves residency.
Do I get a Medical Card if I am qualified?
No. You only need proof of ID to pick up your medical marijuana product at the dispensary. If you need your caregiver to pick up your medical marijuana, our physician can add them to your profile.
What is Your no show and cancellation policy?
We understand that sometimes schedules change and therefore request at least 24 hours notice when canceling or rescheduling your appointment. Appointments canceled within 24 hours or for which clients are a “No-Show” for will incur a charge of 100% of the visit amount.
What if I need to adjust my prescription before my follow up appointment?
If you are between day 1 and day 90 since your last full appointment, you may be eligible to adjust your dosage for the remainder of the six month prescription timeframe. If you are past day 90, a full follow-up appointment will be required. We charge a $20 fee for prescription adjustments in the first 90 days. Head to our scheduling page to get scheduled!
Will I be able to buy smokeable cannabis?
No. The State of Texas only allows dispensaries to make tinctures, pills, lozenges, gummies, and sprays of cannabis products at this time.
Do you accept insurance?
No! Thrive Medical Cannabis accepts only credit and debit cards.
What if I am not qualified at the initial visit?
If during the initial consultation it is determined that your are not eligible you will be entitled to a refund of fee.
Is it legal to travel outside of texas with medical cannabis?
No. It is illegal to cross state lines with medical cannabis from any state.
Will DPS give me a letter stating that I am a patient in the CURT program?
No. DPS does not issue any documentation about your involvement in the CURT program. Your prescription will have a phone number for DPS that can be used by law enforcement to verify the validity of the medication.
May I own a firearm if I have a medical prescription?
In short -Yes. While we cannot provide legal advice to our patients, a recent ruling by Federal Judge Patrick Wyrick states that "barring marijuana users from owning firearms is unconstitutional." Read more via this article HERE.